Monday, November 25, 2019

Seven Faces of Persuasion Essays

Seven Faces of Persuasion Essays Seven Faces of Persuasion Essay Seven Faces of Persuasion Essay Essay Topic: Persuasion Chapter 1 notes Seven Faces of Persuasion- Interactive media – media in which the receiver is able to actively participate in the communication process. Cultural diversity – the increasing numbers of persons from other cultural backgrounds, races, ethnicities, sexual preferences, educational levels, political and religious beliefs, etc. Propaganda – set of messages designed to influence large numbers and warns that it is selective and that it â€Å"†¦presents facts selectively in order to†¦produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information provided†. Advocacy – to promote a given belief or course of action. â€Å"arguing on behalf of a particular issue, idea, or person. † Response-ability – your ability to wisely and critically respond to the persuasion you encounter and to make wise choices and ethical decisions when you both process and craft persuasion. Doublespeak – NCTE defined as deliberate miscommunication and which the American Heritage Dictionary defines as â€Å"evasive, ambiguous, high-flown language designed to deceive. Scam – A fraudulent business scheme- a swindle. To deprive by deceit† The typical scam relies heavily on persuasion first in convincing the person to be scammed that the persuader or scammer is credible or believable. Identity theft – Most commonly accomplished by phishing or representing oneself as a trustworthy financial institution in order to gain sensitive information that can be used to masquerade as someone else. Self-protection – Rhetoric Aristotle defined rhetoric as â€Å" the faculty of observing in any given case, the available means of persuasion. † Artistic proof the choice of evidence, the organization of the persuasion, style of delivery, and language choices. Inartistic proof – includes things not controlled by the speaker, such as the occasion, the time allotted to the speaker, and the speaker’s physical appearance. Ethos – The sources credibility, the character of the speaker. Pathos – emotional appeals, usually found in the kinds of colorful language and imagers used by the persuader or in the emotional level of evidence cited. Logos – using logical or rational appeals. Aristotle defined this as a persuasive tactic as well as the use of statistics on behalf or against a given policy of government or a brand or other issue. Common ground – Shared beliefs, values, and interests between persuaders and persuades that could be established by all of the tactics. Enthymemes – defined as â€Å" a form of argument in which the first or major premise in the proof remains unstated by the persuader and, instead, is suppli9ed by the audience. † Identification – Burke believed that if receivers feel they are being spoken to in their â€Å"own language† and hear references to their own beliefs and values, they will develop a sense of identification with the persuader, believing that the persuader is like them. Co-creation – this definition implies that persuasion requires intellectual and emotional participation between both persuader and persuade that leads to shared meaning and co- created identification. Self-persuasion – (ELM) Elaboration Likelihood Model – is a theory that serves as an organizational model of persuasions and has resulted in significant changes in the way theorists view persuasion. Central information processing route – one of two routes taken from the ELM, the receiver consciously and directly focuses on the persuasive communication while mentally elaborating on the issues and actively seeking more information. This requires significant effort on the part of the receiver. Peripheral information processing route – one of two routes taken from the ELM, information may be processed almost instantly or just by the senses, without direct focusing on or researching of the decision. SMCR model : A source (S) (or persuader), who or which is the encoder of the message. The code can be verbal, nonverbal, visual, or musical, or in some other modality. A message (M), which is meant to convey the source’s meaning through any of the codes. A channel (C), which carries the message and which might have distracting noise. A receiver (R) (or persuade), who decodes the message, trying to sift out channel noise and adding his or her own interpretation. Influence – refers to the ways in which some kinds of things alter a person’s attitude or behaviors. Coercion – another form of influence, always uses some level of force-physical or psychological- to gain compliance. Propaganda – is also another form of influence-usually psychological versus logical. Hugh Rank’s model of persuasion – this gives four major persuasive strategies and six associated tactics frequently used by persuaders which critical receivers can identity. 1. Intensify their own good points 2. Intensify the weak points of the opposition 3. Downplay their own weak points 4. Downplay the good points of the opposition The six tactics are: Repetition, association and composition to intensify their own good points or the bad points of the opposition Omission, diversion, and confusion are used to downplay their own bad points or the good points of the opposing brands, candidates, causes, or ideologies.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Management in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Human Resource Management in Context - Essay Example The review of the literature related to this subject has revealed the following problem: the criteria on which the recruitment and selection policies are based can be highly differentiated across organizations. In practice, this means that the decisions of HR managers in regard to these activities cannot be controlled either in regard to their credibility or in regard to their reasoning. The values and the rules applied in each organization are critical, at the level that they can set the limits of key organizational practices, such as the recruitment and selection practices. 2. People resourcing and business environment 2.1 HR planning – overview and key characteristics The first step for developing an effective HR strategy is to secure that the whole process will be carefully designed. HR planning helps HR managers to secure the success of their decisions. According to Rahman (2010) HR planning is a demanding process. Errors during the development of a firm’s HR plans could result to severe problems in regard to employee performance and communication (Rahman 2010). For eliminating the chances for such failures, Rahman (2010) suggests the gradual development of HR planning. It is suggested that the process should incorporate three key phases: ‘the quantitative HR planning, the qualitative HR planning and the planning of personal actions’ (Rahman 2010, p.158). The quantitative HR planning focuses on the identification and the evaluation of the needs of the organization in terms of the number of employees (Rahman 2010, p.158). The qualitative HR planning refers to the attitudes of employees and the nature of the tasks assigned (Rahman 2010, p.158). The issues of time and space, as related to the HR needs of a particular organization are addressed through both the above processes (Rahman 2010, p.158). Another critical part of HR planning is the planning of personal actions (Rahman 2010, p.158), a process that focuses on the transformati on of ‘actual performance into the target performance’ (Rahman 2010, p.158). From another point of view, the HR planning can be used for making the connection ‘between recruitment/ selection strategies and the organisation strategies’ (Millmore 2007, p.286). In other words, HR planning verifies the relationship between the recruitment/selection processes and the business environment. Amos et al. (2009) note that HR planning does not focus solely on the needs of the organizations in terms of staff but also on the philosophy and values on which the recruitment of the staff would be based (p.99). According to the above view, HR planning defines the framework used for the recruitment and selection processes (Amos et al. 2009). Moreover, HR planning should be developed using specific criteria: a) the rules on which various HR processes will be based, as decided by HR planners, should be flexible enough so that they can be changed if necessary (Amos et al. 2009), b) the structure of HR plans should be also open to changes; this means that HR planning should set alternatives, available in cases of emergent organizational needs or of unexpected pressures in local or the global market (Pravin 2010). In regard to the above, Amos et al. (2009) note that rules are necessarily included in all HR plans. It is noted that these rules help

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Rights - Research Paper Example This paper provides a brief detail of them along with human right practices in different nations. Introduction The concept of human rights was first introduced to the world by United Nations Charter in 1945 (Freeman, 2011, p 4). The elements or doctrines of human rights which were declared by United Nations are accepted across the globe as standard human rights. The human rights include a host of provisions or aspects. Some of these are- freedom by birth, equality of rights and dignity, promotion of universal peace and brotherhood, eradication of any discrimination in theory and practice, general right to lead one’s own life with liberty and security, general right of not entertaining any extreme punishment or degrading treatment, right to recognition, equality before law and State, right to fair trials and public hearing, right of doing social and cultural duties, right to opine and express, freedom of thought and conscience, freedom of exercising ones free will regarding sel ection of religion, political party, philosophy, and many others (Preamble, n.d.). This paper examines general characteristic features of human rights, its historical background, international bodies supporting its cause and finally its implication in present times. Human rights: general attributes The concept of human rights emerged as early as seventeenth and eighteenth century when the liberal doctrines were propagated by different socialists and philosophers. Capitalism got introduced in Europe during this time and resulted in major change in socio- economic structure. Due to capitalism, more precisely mercantilism, working class people suffered a lot. They were not only exploited on monetary and physical terms, but at the same time were also tortured, beaten, abused and even murdered. The idea of human rights initiated since then with an objective to initiate a protest against capitalist social order (Pollis and Schwab, 2000, p 11). As general people perceive it, human rights a re a set of principles bestowed upon every individual on this earth. Human rights ensure that every person, irrespective of caste, creed, age, color and nationality enjoy some specific rights and freedoms. Often, the human rights are also considered as a ‘concept’ which is adopted for real- thinking and expressing those thoughts. Furthermore, it is expressed that human rights are nothing but a mode of ‘ethnic cleansing’. This implies that the more the interests and welfare of individuals are violated, the more implication of human rights becomes essential. In present times, human rights are mostly associated with social and economic issues like illegal transactions, terror, massacres, unfair trail, execution, mass rapes- wherever the relative security of individuals are compromised (Freeman, 2011, p 3-4). From traditional point of view, human rights could be classified into two groups- human rights associated with democracy and human rights associated with individual rights and freedom. Democratic human rights incorporate rights of individual person and masses regarding civil aspects and also aspects related to politics, economy, society, culture and religion. In practice, this concept of freedom and independence supported by human right varies across different nations (Duxbury, 2011, p. 46). Reasons behind formulation of human rights Out of the several reasons due to which the human rights were framed, one is being abused by prosecution by legal bodies or tribunals on behalf

Monday, November 18, 2019

Nursing - Staffing Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nursing - Staffing Issue - Essay Example Although the government has attempted to develop robot nurses, the scientists are yet to succeed in that front. Up to date all nurses are still human thus the need to adopt staffing policies in consideration that the players are human in nature (Roussel, 2011). Staff ratio Staffing ratio entails the number of registered nurse per patient. The ratio could compare the registered nurse per surgical or hospitalized patient. Further, the ratio could be a registered nurse per shift or per patient day. It is imperative for the proportion to be as low down as feasible so that a lesser number of patients is assigned to registered nurses. Nurses being human, also suffer fatigue and exhaustion. When exhausted, a nurse’s effectiveness deteriorates and could lead to the death or atrophication of the patient’s health (Finkelman & Kenner, 2012). Shift rotation and duration Nursing can be structured in shifts whereby the nurses have specific times when they would be on duty. The length and time of the shift is critical in the effectiveness of the nurse. Ideally, the nurse should be on duty for the duration in which s/he is able to concentrate fully. Patients whether surgical or hospitalized would need attention and the nurse should be at her/his best to give attention. When a shift takes too long, the nurse would suffer from fatigue and lose concentration (Griffin, 2011). This gives leeway for the occurrence of procedural or medical errors. The duration must therefore, be long enough to cover for the economic ability of the hospital management but also short enough to guarantee the concentration of nurses. The shifts must also be rotated among the nurses. It is prudent to spread the shifts to all the nurses so that everyone enjoys the burdens in a particular shift. This especially relates to the night shifts which is usually less convenient for most nurses. It is important to provide incentives that would encourage participation by nurses in the night shifts. The management must however consider other factors such as the age of the nurses, marital status and family commitments in electing the night shift nurses (Griffin, 2011). Overtime and weekend staffing Nurses may be forced to work overtime due to strained resources. However, this is risky and should be a measure of last resort. An overtime worker has never been productive in any industry. The nursing profession is more delicate as it deals with the life of patients. It is proper to avoid working nurses overtime as this compromises their effectiveness hence poor delivery which translates to higher risk of hospital mortality. The management should adopt the more difficult option of hiring more nurses rather than opting for overtime (Fernandez, 2010). Weekend staffing is inevitable considered that patients do not cure during weekends. Policy formulators need to appreciate that packages must be friendlier to attract nurses to work over the weekends. The effectiveness of a nurse working ove r the weekend is however not compromised by the fact that the days are weekends (Fernandez, 2010). Empirical evidence Research has attempted to estimate the ratio of hospital mortality to nursing hours. In this analysis, hospital mortality refers to death in the hospital or within thirty days after admission in the hospital. Research has proven that an increase in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effective Communication within the Workplace

Effective Communication within the Workplace Effective Communication within the Workplace In the fast-paced world that we live in, communication has become a way of life, especially within the business environment. From a managers point of view, communication is the key to the success of many objectives and goals set by individuals and upper management. Unfortunately, management at every level is experiencing increased tension and uncertainties from lack of communication within the workplace. Therefore, the need for new strategies such as listening preparations, which includes the mental, physical, and behavioral aspects required for communicating and listening effectively (Hybels Weaver II, 2007). Therefore, good communication skills in management are necessary for sufficient technical leadership within any organization. Throughout the next couple of paragraphs, I will be discussing different communication processes, some personal learning outcomes, as well as some learning outcomes from the Hybels and Weaver II Communicating Effectively textbook. First being able recognize how self-concept, defensive and supportive messages and behaviors create a positive or negative communication climate. For instance, giving employees positive reinforcement or feedback simply means telling them how they are doing at work which helps develop ones self-concept. However, there is also two-way feedback, which means taking feedback from employees. This means we need to be ready to listen to what others tell us without becoming defensive if it is not what we want to hear (McCoy, 2003). If managers approach this is technique of communication with open doors, it proves them with active listening skills that will provide a well-developed communication climate that will increase their own performance and/or the businesses p roductivity. Organizations have often thought that poor communication is the biggest barrier to organizational effectiveness. Therefore, the development of communication skills is very important for management to build and maintain an employees self-concept. By management sharing information with employees, it helps reduce any uncertainties about their jobs and futures, which also increases their well-being and perception of the work environment. Some strategies management uses to overcome some of these communication barriers and conflicts are, clearly defining the employees roles and responsibilities and actively listening to their concerns, which builds their personal communication skills and improves their communication competences. When employees and management have good business relationships and the feeling of equal empowerment and positive self-concepts are shared, it makes for a productive work atmosphere. Giving workers the opportunity to participate in the decision making process, that affect their jobs, is another way to build confidence between themselves and upper management. It is also important to show employees that they are valued, by praising their good work performance verbally, which maintains and develops their self-concept. The key to any productive business is effective communication yet there are billions of dollars wasted each year, due to poor communication, therefore it is favorable for both managers and employees to include this skill within the workplace, for an enjoyable, well-organized and productive work environment. Building communication skills and becoming active role models in the workplace can have a remarkable contribution to the success of businesses and the success of employees. Some objectives to becoming a better communicator are to make personal contacts, actively listen, be a clear communicator, show respect, and most of all make compromise an option. It is a proven fact that by improving communication skills throughout life it will make you more successful and productive within the workplace. Which simply means less stress and more rewards for both employees and companies. Moreover, you become a valued leader and your company becomes more successful, due to effective communication. It is important to remember that good communication skills require the use of critical thinking, which allows us to take control of our opinions and mind-set in order to make better judgments without jumping to conclusions, which can ultimately lead to conflicts. Therefore, the use of critical thinking skills and good communication skills provides us with the intellectual standards needed to ask questions about the certain situations that might otherwise be overlooked. With everything that we have studied during this class, I found that keeping an open mind and thinking outside the box is the easiest way to approach certain situations that require a special need for communication skills. Although, our communication skills will always change throughout our lives because of our constantly changing self-concept and perceptions (Hybels Weaver II, 2007), I have been using strategies like actively listening and proper assessments, as a way to achieve a flexible style effectively communicating. To me, good communication skills with a positive attitude open the doors to a successful career that is beneficial to any organization, but more importantly a way of knowing and understanding those around you. As mentioned earlier, recognizing personalities and self-concepts is very important within any organization. From a personal and a management viewpoint, the high expectations of communication skills within my career, has actually been very helpful with the development of many different skills. For instance, a strategy introduced a few years ago was going to help understand and recognize different personalities within the organization. The learning tool developed by Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, was actually going to help everyone understand each other to the point communication would not be an issue within the organization. The programs intent was to help treat people, as they needed to be treated, based on two of four colors, red being a director, blue being a relater, green being a thinker and yellow being one that socializes. They had each employee take the short quiz to determine their two personal colors, one being their primary color and the other being secondary. After I took my quiz, it determined that I was red over green, which meant that I was a director and a thinker. I really had my doubts about this program until I moved up into a management position, which required me to communicate at a much higher level. Knowing and understanding that each individual requires different forms of treatment and communication being the primary form, the use of this technique has given us the ability to determine what those individual needs may be. This learning technique has had a powerful impact on the communication within the company and even if someone has not taken this quiz, it provides a way to assess their personal communication competencies, by determining a set of colors that fits each individual. Although, the assessment/ judgment may not always be correct, it does provide a foundation for emotional in telligence development. Hybels, S., Weaver II, R. L. (2007). Communicating Effectively 8th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. McCoy, J. (2003). Business Performance. Retrieved 3 26, 2010, from Employee Feedback How to Build Staff Moral and Grow Your Business:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Atrocities in Staffords Traveling Through the Dark Essay -- Traveling

Atrocities in Stafford's Traveling Through the Dark Is a drive just a drive, or is it a metaphor that imparts appreciation for life's fragility while simultaneously lamenting man's inability to appropriately confront, or understand, death? William Stafford's "Traveling Through the Dark" illustrates the mechanisms by which seemingly mundane events become probes into the mystery and ambiguity of the human condition. The poem's situation is simple, a lone traveler driving along a desolate canyon road spots a felled deer; the traveler, desiring neither to hit the deer, nor by swerving to avoid it, hurtle his car over the canyon precipice, stops his vehicle and proceeds to push the fallen animal over the canyon face, into the river below. As the driver struggles to displace the cold, stiff deer corpse he senses warmth emanating from its abdomen, it's an unborn fawn. Realizing that life remains in the body he had assumed dead, the traveler hesitates. Finally, he pushes the deer, one dead and the other not yet alive, off the road and into the chasm. While the poem's situation is simple, its theme is not. Stafford appears to be intimating that life is precious and fragile; however, nothing so clearly discloses these attributes of life as confrontation with death. Furthermore, the very confrontations that engender appreciation of life's delicacies force action-all to frequently callous action. Hence, the poem's tone contains elements of remorse as well as impassivity. The traveler's detached description of the mother, "...a doe, a recent killing; / she had stiffened already, almost cold" (6-7), and the wistful detail with which he depicts her unborn offspring, "...her fawn lay there waiting... ...iver. Because the deer's killer was a man behind the wheel of an automobile the traveler shares some relation with him. The traveler's anguish, his "bleeding", is the realization that he is implicated in the murder of the deer through his association to the actual killer. If expanded further, this metaphor can be applied to the entire human experience. All humanity is like a traveler driving through the dark. At varying junctions in our experiences we are, inevitably, both the discoverers and perpetrators of atrocities; the confusion surrounding our responses to theses junctions is the darkness we travel through. Stafford ends the poem after the traveler pushes the deer into the canyon's depths. We don't need to be told he returns to his car and drives on, we know it intrinsically, it's what each of us would have done, what each of us must do.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Land That Contains Substances Environmental Sciences Essay

Metallic elements have played an of import function in the development of adult male, gold and Cu, both native metals have been worked into desirable objects since 15000BC. ‘Advanced ‘ smelting techniques were developed by 4000BC, used to pull out Cu from ores and within a farther 1,000 old ages, other metals were being extracted, including Ag, lead, Sn and Zn. The development of the blast furnace centuries subsequently led to the big scale production of Fe and steel ( 2002 ) . The last 100 old ages has seen Great Britain shaped by the ‘great ‘ industrial revolution and witnessed the development of a overplus of industries, notably, the steel, coal and chemical industries. Industrial ‘visionaries ‘ , focused on the development of industry had non planned a sustainable hereafter and the effects to the environment were overridden by enlargement. It is this deficiency of planning that has led to historical industrial procedures leting waste to be disposed of by merely tipping it onto the land, chemicals and natural stuffs were frequently spilt in situ ensuing in land taint ( 2012 ) .Contaminated landLand that contains substances in or under the land that are considered to be a possible jeopardy to human wellness or the Environment is considered to be ‘Contaminated ‘ ( 2012 ) . Contamination can be categorised into assorted signifiers and can impact in different ways, depending upon legion factors including ; type, concentration and the nature of the substance ensuing in a huge array of impacts to both human wellness and the environment ( 2012 ) . A study undertaken by the British Geological Survey ( BGS ) in 2009, estimates that in England entirely, there are around 15,470 hectares of land that is classed as contaminated ( 2009 ) . Contamination is assessed on a site – site footing, in a command to ease the deployment of the most efficient and operable technique. In order to find the best technique, inside informations of the contamination ( s ) contained within the dirt foremost necessitate to be assessed along with the type of land stuffs present at the surface and in the subsurface ( 2010 ) . Following initial probes, contaminations can be determined and classified into groups depending on their belongingss ( organic or inorganic ) ( Brown 2009 ) . Table 1: Contaminant categories used to find redress technique applied. Adapted from ( 2010 ) .OrganicTypical illustrationsHalogenated volatile organic compounds ( VOCs )1-chlrobutane, methoxyflurane, pentafluoropropan-1olHalogenated semivolatile organic compounds ( SVOCs )Chlorophenol, Tetrachlorophenol, ChlordaneNon-halongenated volatile organic compounds ( VOCs )Benzene, Xylene, propanone, Carbon disulphideNon-halongenated semivolatile organic compounds ( SVOCs )Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ) , phenolOrganic CorrosivesAcetic acid, aminobenzineOrganic nitrilesOrganonitrilesPolychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs )PCB ( Arochlor ) -1016Pesticides / weedkillers4, 4-DDT, HeptachlorDioxins / Furans2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuranInorganicMetallic elementsLead, Mercury, Chromium, ZincRadionuclidesRadioactive isotopes of U, radonCorrosivesHydrochloric acid, sulfuric acidNitrilesMetallic nitrilesAsbestosBlue, brown, whiteMiscExplosives2,4,6 -trinitrotoluene ( TNT ) , hydrazine Table 1 is intended to supply a fundamental position of the categorization of contaminations, measuring the rightness of redress techniques is a complicated procedure in world, in world, several constituent contaminations will be contained within the mark site, each class of contamination would be assessed separately to measure the pertinence of a redress technique ( 2012 ) .Redress of contaminated landEnvironmental hazards associated with contaminated land are typically remediated – a technique that seeks to take contaminations contained within the dirt ( 2012 ) . Redress techniques are typically capable to an array of regulative demands – Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 that is based on the likeliness of important injury to human wellness and important pollution of the H2O environment ( 2012 ) .Appropriate redressThe appropriate redress solution should be implemented to ensue in the land being ‘suitable for usage ‘ . Remediation should render the land no longer contaminated and the effects of any important injury, or pollution of controlled Waterss that has occurred has been remedied, the suitably selected redress technique can in many state of affairss see the degree of taint reduced to such a degree that any considered important hazard is minimum, this does non nevertheless connote that all contaminations are removed wholly, in some state of affairss the contaminations are at such low degrees that they pose no hazard or that they are for good contained unmoved ( 2004 ) .Remediation engineerings availableHistorically, the redress of contaminated land can be expensive and relies to a great extent upon procedures that are basically really proficient ( 2010 ) . Many of these procedures have involved heavy technology solutions, although considered to be really effectual, and in many instances, the merely feasible option, they have high environmental , societal and economic impacts ( 2012 ) .Categorization of dirt redress engineeringsSoil redress engineerings can be categorised into four distinguishable wide categories ( Table 1 ) harmonizing to the cardinal rules involved in the remotion / containment of contamination ( s ) which can be farther sub-divided into unmoved and ex-situ techniques ( 2012 ) . In situ clean-ups require no digging of contaminated stuff, in situ techniques are frequently preferable because of their lower application cost ; nevertheless, the general consensus is that these techniques take longer to make the preferable position and are more hard to supervise because of non-uniformity in intervention because of discrepancies in dirt stuffs ( DETR 1998 ) . Ex situ attacks ( digging of a contaminated country ) and handling it on site ( antique situ, on-site ) or transporting it to a distant site for ‘cleaning ‘ ( ex situ, off-site ) is by and large considered to be the more expensive option given the logistics of the operation, nevertheless, ex-situ techniques present the advantage of taking the bulk of taint forestalling farther spread ( 2012 ) . Table 1: Overview of both in situ and ex situ redress engineerings available, adapted from: ( 2010 ) .In-situTechnologyBiologicalPhysicalChemicalThermalChemical oxidization and decreaseiElectro – redressiiEnhanced bioremediation utilizing redox amendmentsiBlushingiiiPhytoremediationiAir SpargingiBiospargingiStabilization and hardeningiiThermal TreatmentiVentingiiVitrificationiiiEx situBiopilesiSlurry stage bioreactorsiChemical oxidization and decreaseiSoil lavation and separation proceduresiiStabilization and hardeningiiThermal desorptioniIncinerationiEx situ dirt vapour extractioniiVitrificationiiiWater and gas / vapour interventioniiiBiological redress engineeringsBioremediation uses micro-organisms ( barm, fungi or bacteriums ) to degrade organic contaminations ; bioremediation can be carried out both unmoved and ex-situ. The contaminations act as a nutrient beginning for the micro-organisms that break them down. Aerobic processes require a beginning of O, chase awaying C dioxide COa‚‚ and H2O H2O ( 2012 ) ( Figure 1 ) Figure 1: Conventional diagram of aerophilic biodegradation in dirt ( 2008 ) . Ex situ techniques include slurry-phase bioremediation, a procedure of keeping contact between micro-organisms and contaminations by adding H2O to contaminated dirts to organize ‘slurry ‘ ( 2012 ) . Other bioremediation techniques include ; Bioventing Injection of H peroxide ( H202 ) Solid stage bioremediation Landfarming Dirt biopiles Composting ( 2012 ) . Bioremediation is an economical procedure for a wide scope of applications of organic wastes. Many of the procedures can be handled in situ avoiding the demand to transport risky stuffs from site ( 2005 ) .Physico – Chemical interventionsPhysical methods of dirt renewal are those that do non alter the physic-chemical belongingss of the pollutants accumulated in the dirt to be cleaned ( 2007 ) . Physical redress techniques include simplified procedures such as dirt extraction and storage of contaminated dirts along with more complicated and technological techniques ( 2010 ) . In the physical procedures, the stage transportation of pollutants is induced. In the chemical processes, the chemical construction of the pollutants is changed by agencies of chemical reactions to bring forth less toxic or better dissociable compounds from the solid matrix ( 2012 ) . Physical redress techniques offer a cost effectual solution that can be concluded comparatively rapidly, and devour really small technology or energy resources ( 2012 ) . Physical applications can be engaged both unmoved and ex-situ, and have the advantage that a wide spectrum of pollutants can be removed from the contaminated site and that they can be widely administered ( little, local sites ) ( 2012 ) . Physical-chemical interventions include ; Dirt Blushing Dirt lavation ( Figure 2 ) . Fracturing hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 2: Dirt rinsing technique ( 2010 )Thermal interventionsIt is by and large considered that thermic procedures are the most dearly-won, nevertheless, a speedy redress clip is offered as compensation ( 2012 ) . Thermal redress involves the debut of hydrocarbon contaminated dirts into a het vas and retaining those dirts until they reach a unvarying temperature. Contaminants are heated by the thermic procedure, heat is applied to increase the volatility, to fire, break up, destruct or run the contamination. The hazard of let go ofing dioxins into the ambiance is an of import consideration and hence, runing temperatures are limited to 800A °F ( 2006 ) . Factors that influence the timescale of effectivity are the type and sums of contaminations present that scope from site to site, the physical size of the site and dirt stuff nowadays ( clu-in-org 2012 ) . Thermal techniques can be applied both unmoved and ex-situ, the rule advantage of unmoved techniques is that dirt can be treated without the demand to take and transport cut downing operating costs, nevertheless, unmoved techniques by and large take longer to de-contaminate a site and cost nest eggs are negligible. Ex-situ techniques involve the digging and remotion of contaminated dirts where they are exposed to high temperatures in intervention cells ; the cells contain contaminated media during the application. Although ex-situ techniques offer a decreased intervention clip, increased logistical deductions offset intervention costs ( clu-in-org 2012 ) . Thermal techniques typically include ; Hot gas taint Vitrification Injection of hot air Thermal Conduction Additional techniques are shown in tabular array? hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20thermische % 20reiniging.PNG Figure 3: Diagram of thermic cleaning ( 2012 ) .2.0 A critical appraisal of the effectivity of dirt redress techniques and the protection of groundwater2.1 The Groundwater systemâ€Å" The largest available reservoir of fresh H2O † ( 2012 ) Water that is continually traveling through the environment is known as the H2O rhythm, nevertheless, most of the rain that falls will be soaked up by dirt, through the procedure of infiltration, H2O will soak farther down into the land and finally into underlying stones, this is known as groundwater ( 2012 ) .2.2 The importance of groundwater70 % of the planetary capacity of fresh water is groundwater, 30 % of this sum is found within rivers, lakes and watercourses, many of these rivers and lakes etc. are fed straight by groundwater, it can non be underestimated how much groundwater plays an of import function within the human civilization, groundwater is the line of life afforded to planetary wetland sites and a major helper to industry in a planetary context ( 1999 ) . Whilst groundwater is by and large of good biological quality, it is invariably threated by contaminations, pollutants that seep through the surface and into the groundwater system, pollution occurs from diffuse beginnings when a pollutant is spread onto the land in the signifier of an applied agricultural pesticide for illustration and besides from point beginning pollution, where a chemical spillage has occurred for illustration. Some pollutants inputs will of course degrade or will be filtered out as the H2O flows through permeable stones, but on many occasions, the pollutants are relentless types and have to be subjected to typically dearly-won redress procedures ( 2012 ) . Figure 4: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( 2007 ) .3.0 Are dirt redress engineerings effectual at protecting groundwater?The mobility and destiny of contaminations that enter dirt are determined by a figure of factors ( postpone? ) , in order for a comprehensive and realistic site hazard appraisal to be carried out, consideration should be given to the nature and prevalent conditions in the dirts, including ; geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, contaminant geochemistry, geotechnics, ecotoxicology and microbiology, one time these have been decently addressed, a predicted behavior theoretical account of the contamination can be produced to help in the choice of the most efficient and cost effectual redress technique ( 2012 ) .Relevant dirt and groundwater belongingss may include:Relevant contaminant Physico-chemical belongingss may include:Soil profile Contaminant concentration Dirt texture ( comparative proportions of sand, loam and clay ) Chemical speciation e.g. the valency or oxidization province of a metal Presence of mineral components such as clays, carbonates, phosphates, oxides and organic affair ( expressed as the fraction of organic C foc ) Solubility in H2O ( or other dissolver if a non-aqueous free stage liquid is present ) Moisture content Sorption ( soil-water divider coefficient Kd and organic carbon-water divider coefficient Koc ) Particle size distribution Octanol-water divider coefficient ( kow ) Bulk dry denseness Vapour force per unit area Porosity ( air-filled and water-filled ) Henry ‘s Law invariable Sorption capacity of the dirt Biodegradation pH and redox possible Nature of metabolites Microbial populations Vegetable consumption ( dirt to works concentration ) Elevation of H2O tabular array Weathering possible Groundwater flow way Diffusion coefficient in air Hydraulic gradient Diffusion coefficient in H2O Hydraulic conduction Viscosity ( gases and bluess ) Hydraulic dispersivity Viscosity ( non-aqueous stage liquids ) Table? : Factors act uponing the destiny and mobility rate of contaminations in dirt, adapted from ( 2012 ) .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sons and Lovers Narrative Essays

Sons and Lovers Narrative Essays Sons and Lovers Narrative Paper Sons and Lovers Narrative Paper The appeal of the novel hinges primarily on its narrative structure, Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. Narrative structure of a novel is primarily responsible for appeal of novel for reader. Essentially narrative structure encompasses the themes and the plot of the story. Prose writers feel strongly about issues that they want to sensitizes the reader to. However appeal of a novel requires use of narrative techniques not only structure such as style, setting and characterization. In D. H Lawrence novel, Sons and Lovers, his semi auto- biographic work, he bring across to readers his negative feeling towards his father and his feeling towards his over bearing mother. Lawrence narrative is designed for readers to interpret characters and events and draw own conclusions based on how he presents them. Lawrence characters plays a major role in bringing across his different perspective of themes to readers. As said by Haircut (2012), the main force of D. H. Lawrence novels is always located in characters. Lawrence uses narrative structure to portray to readers effectively background and circumstances which Paul grew up in whilst at same time alluding to themes of novel. Lawrence decides to break up the novel into two parts in order for the reader to understand the environment in which Paul grows up in. The first part effectively brings across to us a dysfunctional family with an array of problems including an overbearing mother, a deadbeat father and also creation of strong matriarchal influence on the children. The second part wows us Paul as a young adult and the challenges he faces. The main issue presents to reader the detrimental effect of Gertrude smothering ways, have in preventing Paul from forming long lasting relationships with Marina and Clara. Lawrence narrative structure pivots characterization of characters as an essential part of readers interpretation of the themes in the novel. Two themes presented to readers in the novel are masculinity and social class structure. In my interpretation of the novel Lawrence allows to juxtapose different prospects of what a man is. Mrs.. Morel idea of what a man is or rather her viewpoint of masculinity stems from her father of being able to provide for family, intellectual and well mannered. Mr.. Morel on the other hand provides us with a different viewpoint of masculinity of simplicity, great physical presence, natural warmth and lack of education. Additionally the disunity that arises between Gertrude and Walter must be seen as a union doomed to fail because of differences in social class. The incompatibility and separation of their viewpoint of Gertrude and Walter is best shown by this nine said by Gertrude, The estrangement between them caused him knowingly or unknowingly grossly to offend her where he would have not have done. Lawrence effectively displays a viewpoint that people of different classes are unable to coexist. Lawrence narrative technique may not be explicit In saying openly his feeling as plot unfolds however his style is effective in creating appeal and intrigue for the reader. The plot unfold with great detail placed also on explanation of setting particularly the Burrows. The use of setting by Lawrence to allow readers to be able to clearly identify environment and what social class of society, the people of Burrows represent. Lawrence style in terms of language of characters in the play emphasize difference in society with elite speaking with fluency and using proper English whilst most denizens of mining town speaking rough and dialectal variation. Novels require prose writes to use more than narrative structure to create appeal for readers. Writers must use narrative techniques to express and bring across their viewpoint, their narrative structure.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Go directly to jail essays

Go directly to jail essays Jail should be a place of punishment not rehabilitation. This is my opinion because 72% of criminals who are in jail serving a sentence are repeat offenders. If the sentences for convicts were harsher and the penalties for various offences more drastic the criminals would not want to return or undergo the same penalties. They would try harder in succeeding at work and learn to live responsibility so they would not have to resort to The most widely used excuse for criminals returning to jail is when they got back on the other side they had not worked for so long that in order to support their families or even themselves they had to resort back to stealing or robbery. This excuse is an absolute sham in Canada the welfare system is one of the best around the world, the Medicare is almost free, they now have shelters available for the homeless or struggling people or drug addicts, and it is almost impossible not to get a job at any fast food restaurant or other If the punishment for criminals was increased they would also have to have better medical care for the convicts because in the jail system 80% of the prisoners have hepatitis C, or HIV. The only way to prevent this is to ensure that the criminals do not contract either of the disease while in the prison. Which means that the prisoners must be provided with means vaccinations and preventive STD devices if that so suits their Another aspect that enforces the theme that jail should be punishment not rehabilitation is the reinstatement of capital punishment. If capital punishment was set back in motion then this would be a deterrent for large and more heinous crimes. The actual facts behind this theory are not from Canada but do show possible outcomes of what the death The percentage of murders or violence related death ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Use of Capital Budgeting Models in Utility Estimation Essay

The Use of Capital Budgeting Models in Utility Estimation - Essay Example Three key terms are incorporated into the preceding description of alternative choice problems: cost, revenue, and investment. If the applicability of Hunter et al.'s (1988) critique to capital budgeting models of utility is to be fully evaluated, the reader must understand how finance managers and accountants use these terms. Cost refers to the number of resources used for any purpose (Anthony & Reece, 1983). Costs incurred in an accounting period are either assets or expenses. An asset is defined as a cost that yields benefits to the organization beyond the current accounting period (usually 12 months). For example, a machine that is expected to have a useful life of 10 years is classified as an asset because it is expected to produce outputs (such as machined parts) that benefit the organization by bringing in revenue over a long period of time (in this case 10 years). An expense is defined as a cost that yields benefits to the organization only within the current accounting perio d. For example, the cost of electricity for the machine for one month is classified as an expense because the resulting benefits accrue only over the short term. Revenue refers to the inflow of funds that results from the sale of goods and services to the firm's customers. An investment is the acquisition of an asset resulting in a future stream of expected cash inflows (i.e., revenues). For the example of the machine purchase given earlier, parts produced with the machine would be sold to customers, and the resulting stream of revenues would be received over the 10-year life of the machine.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Why US foreign policy towards Cuba has not thawed since the end of the Dissertation

Why US foreign policy towards Cuba has not thawed since the end of the cold war - Dissertation Example s in the field of foreign relations. More specifically, most of the researches involving this particular topic focused on the development of the foreign relations between the two. Indeed, the relationship between the United States of America and Cuba can be traced as far as the Spanish-American war, when Cuba attained its independence. The two began a good relationship but eventually became bitter after accession of Fidel Castro into power. This research offers an extensive review of the foreign policy of the United States of America towards Cuba, focusing on the primary sources such as the speeches of Fidel Castro, his books and the like. Chapter 1: (Condensed to 1,420 words) Introduction Background of the Study The relationship between Cuba and the United States started when the Spanish-American war ended. Spain was defeated by the United States in this particular war (Osieja, 2006; Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). As such, the United States granted the then colonies of Spain their ind ependence with the condition that the United States could intervene in their internal affairs if it becomes necessary (Aronson, Rogers, Sweig & Meid, 2001; Gibbs & Gibbs, 2011). In line with this agreement, Cuba has also granted a perpetual lease in favor of the United States of its naval base at Guantanamo bay (Haney & Vanderbush, 2005). The two countries cooperated with one another for the next fifty years after the independence of Cuba (Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). The United States play an important role in terms of aiding Cuba in quelling down rebellions (Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). Furthermore, the United States also began to pour in economic investments into the country in order to help them develop. However, things began to change with the 1959 Cuban Revolution (Gibbs & Gibbs, 2011). Primarily, the United States expressed support towards Castro by imposing an arms embargo against the administration of then-President General Fulgencio Bautista. In fact, the United States imm ediately recognized the government of Castro (Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). However, the Castro government began seizing private lands and nationalized private companies, including those of American origin (Haney & Vanderbush, 2005; Osieja, 2006). As a result thereof, the administration of then-President Eisenhower responded by imposing trade restrictions except for the basic necessities such as food and medicines (Gibbs & Gibbs, 2011). As a response to the alleged â€Å"Yankee-Imperialism,† Castro decided to start trading with the Soviet Union instead (Meacham, 2009). In this regard, the United States dissolved all diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and from then on, the unfriendly relationship between the two begun (Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). Indeed, the bitter relationship between Cuba and the United States worsened upon the accession of Fidel Castro in 1959. The relationship between the two has evolved into bitter arguments, political grandstanding and eventually resorted to an international crises (Wittkopf & McCormick, 2007). In fact, since 1961, the two countries have failed to enter into a bilateral agreement and would often call upon Switzerland as their mediator should they need to negotiate on certain matters (Aronson, Rogers, Sweig & Meid, 2001; Haney & Vanderbush, 2005). The relationship